Parent Teacher Organization
What is the PTO?
A Parent-Teacher Organization is a partnership between the parents/guardians of students and the teachers and administrators of the school. The PTO is also the central hub for volunteers in our school.
What does the PTO do?
PTO Sponsors activities that encourage family involvement in our school. We conduct fundraisers and allocate funds for the special needs within the school.
How do we raise money?
PTO conducts fundraisers during the school year. Our major fundraisers include the annual jog-a-thon and Original Works gifts. We also collect receipts, ink cartridges and box tops/labels. Other events vary from year to year.
What do we do with the money we raise?
PTO members decide and vote to allocate the money raised each year. In the past funds have been spent on the outdoor classroom, playground equipment, computer hardware and software, building needs and supplemental teaching materials.
PTO Sponsored Activities
- Sack Mask Parade
- Staff Breakfast and Coffee
- Barnes and Noble Book Fair
- Fall Carnival
- Ivys Got Talent
- Valentine's Day Parties
- 5th Grade Picnic
- Jog-A-Thon
- Supplies for student / family events
- End of year retirement gifts
- Back to School Night
- Enrichment Activities
- Teacher Appreciation Week