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Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math

STEM at Ivy is grounded in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM), but are more than just these subjects independently.

Ivy Stockwell is a place where kids think big, learning is active and hands-on, and where their understandings are transdisciplinary.

Students cross the boundaries of different subjects to prepare students for thinking out-of-the-box.

What about all the other fun and exciting things that kids learn in elementary school? Do you have those?

Yes we do!

STEM isn’t only about doing science experiments or solving mathematical problems.  The innovators and creators of tomorrow will need many skills to be successful.

Our school has art, music, and PE specials, social studies, recess time, and after-school enrichment to build whole and healthy people.

What does a STEM Classroom look like at Ivy Stockwell?

  • Active and focused on student-centered learning
  • Students engaged in hands-on activities while they address real life issues.
  • Grade-level STEM units that uncover Focusing Lenses
  • Purposeful activities that develop a STEM Learner who can collaborate, think critically, communicate, innovate, persevere, and empathize
  • A deep appreciation of out-of-the-box thinking, emphasis on creativity, and opportunity for invention
  • Visits from STEM professionals, field trips, and other STEM events
  • Students using the school Innovation Station and STEM materials (including 3-D printers, models, circuits, Cubelets, FOSS kits, and other hands-on, minds-on tools)